A recent article has a good outline for a law firm online activity policy. Michael P. Downey, Law Firm Online Line Activity Policy, 19 The Prof. Lawyer No. 4 pg. 4 (2009), available for a fee from http://www.abanet.org/abastore/index.cfm?fm=Product.AddToCart&pid=46200011904PDF
This article correctly notes that it is difficult, if not impossible, to ban lawyer use of social networking and other online communications. The philosophy of the policy Downey proposes is to educate lawyers about the potential problems with online communications, rather than banning all activity by firm members. The policy anticipates the possibility of banning use of certain sites that have a higher than usual potential for either security issues or a negative influence on the firm’s image. The policy also requires lawyers using social networking sites to link to a page maintained by the law firm. This permits the firm to monitor whether lawyer activity may be negatively affecting the profile of the firm. The article includes extensive references to applicable ethics rules.