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New Ethics Opinion On Law Firm Names

May 19, 2015

Question: Is it permissible under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct for three law firms with different names to advertise cooperatively using the name of one of the law firms followed by the word “Group”? Conclusion: It is not permissible under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct for Read the full post

And When You Have Too Much Documentation…

May 19, 2015

The cost of storing paper files indefinitely is expensive.  A proper file retention policy can save your firm a lot of money.  Here are five key points to keep in mind in creating file destruction policy: Have a plan.  The worst thing you can do is to destroy files haphazardly Read the full post

Avoiding Malpractice with Proper Documentation

May 19, 2015

Lawyers frequently fail to take the advice they give most often.  The heart of most client consultations outside a litigation context is creation of proper documentation.  Documentation suggested by a lawyer generally accomplishes several things for a client: Documenting can provide a checklist of things that should be done. Documenting Read the full post

Lawyer Admits Computer Illiteracy, Gets Sanctioned

January 30, 2015

From a sanctions opinion in New Jersey: National’s counsel offered a different explanation (for failing to update a spreadsheet): “I have to confess to this Court, I am not computer literate. I have not found presence in the cybernetic revolution. I need a secretary to help me turn on the Read the full post

Contingent Fee Case: What to do if the client suggests that a lawyer should reduce the fee because of legal malpractice

January 28, 2015

An article on this subject in the Wisconsin Law Journal advises lawyers not to seek a release of malpractice liability from the client when disbursing the settlement if the fee is reduced. Texas ethics rules are very similar to Wisconsin on this issue. Texas Ethics Opinion 557 addresses the conflicts Read the full post

What lawyers’ professional liability limits do lawyers need?

January 22, 2015

This is one of the most frequently asked questions at TLIE. If you had a crystal ball and could tell us what legal malpractice claims you will have, we could give you a perfect answer. Since that is unlikely, here are some factors we suggest lawyers consider when deciding on Read the full post